Friday, May 15, 2009

Value of free work

Basic assumption: the greater the salary, the better the work.
This is flawed.
For example a small company will pay its receptionist much less than a large company, but the type of the work is the same. You have to answer the phone.
A company pays more because it has the ability to, a high paying job speaks about the company, never the job.
So the newer a person is in his career/in college , one should never think about the pay. It doesn't make a difference. Think about what you will end up gaining.
Eg: Doing research for free under a prof/ flipping burgers in Burger King. One does not pay the other pays, but the one that doesn't counts( unless you want to become a chef).
A smart person ultimately ends up being paid well unless he himself doesn't want a high paying job.
Thinking long term and ahead of short monetary gains always makes sense.

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