Monday, March 23, 2009

Its back!

Yay!! I have started reading again voraciously.. the best thing to happen today.
I have a very queer relationship with reading best expressed by a line read in Harper Lee's To kill a mockingbird.
" I don't like reading, you don't like breathing do you?"
It rings so true. Reading is as natural to my existence as breathing is. Something you can't do without but its not super fun doing( unless you are reading Bill Cosby or Calvin and Hobbes). An external entity which is intertwined in me. You just do it naturally and you have to do it.
I had been in this not reading as much as I used to phase for the last 2-3 months but somehow it is back. I am so glad it is.
I am so grateful that I have experienced the joys of reading, not many people have and the people who have know what I mean. It is something that I developed as a kid, growing up in the reading frenzy environment of the PGI campus. My fellow PGI readers will agree. This is a habit you don't develop in a day but it kind of grows on you over years.
Somehow reading gives me mental peace and calm. A spiritual calmness.
Yay again to reading!!

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