Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Optimizing the Amount

How much can you fill in a day? How much can you take on? These are a few questions that I occasionally have, essentially whether I am doing enough per day.
I remember last semester I was doing so much stuff, I nearly burned myself out towards the end of the semester. I wrote so much, I needed a huge break; with exams and auditing courses I felt I was saturated with information and thankfully my India hiatus came at the right time.
This semester I approached things cautiously. I resigned from writing opinion pieces, and started out writing once in 2 weeks. No auditing classes. Just the normal stuff.
And then I realized my days are nearly as full as before. I guess you just adapt yourself to however much you are doing to a certain extent. The more you believe you can do( as long as its not too much) the more you fit in every day. Period.
So I started taking on more stuff. Increased y writing to once a week. Started auditing a class which I liked. Simultaneously started working harder on getting Kiva's student chapter out and also joined a voluntary business consulting group.
For me what works now without burning myself is taking up a mix of things. Not exceeding a certain limit for each one. Which still makes you enthusiastic about it. Maybe it is different for different people.
Thankfully at the moment life is manageable. Touchwood!

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